Think you're the only one?
If you suffer with Shy Bladder I have some good news :
* It's a medical condition known as "Avoidant Paruresis"
* You're not alone.
* There is a simple cure, it's not easy but it's free and it's painless.
You can read all about it in the book
Further reading :
What is Shy Bladder?
What causes Shy Bladder?
How do I know if I or someone else I know has Shy Bladder?
A cure for Shy Bladder
How to plan your own recovery from Shy Bladder
About this site
If you or someone you know suffers from Shy Bladder I hope this site helps you to reduce the effect of this condition on your life and even to find a cure.
Please, please comment on posts, I want to make this site useful for other sufferers as well as a way to document my own progress.
As for me, I've decided to try Graduated Exposure Therapy myself. Read my plan. Then, if you still haven't had enough, read how I started to retake my life in a review of my progress after the first month.
i am right there with you. this has affected my life for too many years. i hope to follow your footsteps.
Me too, it has been 8 years for me now. Luckily I work from home now so life is much easier. But when I go out I have methods of scouting the bathroom to wait for it to be empty- usually if i can't see how many people are going in and out from where i am, i'll pretend i'm on my cell phone right outside of it. i want to start taking steps like you to beat it though.
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